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Deploy23 News Roundup
October 10, 2023
Washington, DC (October 10, 2023) – Demonstrate Deploy Decarbonize 2023 made a big splash. Here are a few impressions and takeaways we wanted to share.
"Public-private partnerships" was the name of the Deploy23 game. Since bringing industry and government decision makers together was the aim of the event, the most-repeated expressions from speakers and presenters were a little different than the buzzwords of NY Climate Week.
- "Government-enabled, private-sector led”
- "It’s different this time"
- "Skate to where the puck is going"
- "This is hard"
- "We have to move fast"
- "Chicken and egg"
- "It shouldn’t be political"
– Grace Donnelly
Demonstrate, deploy, decarbonize with DOE (ctvc.co)*****
"Armed with hundreds of billions of dollars from a trio of historic laws, the agency is stepping into the role of convener, funder and cheerleader for what it calls a “private sector-led, government-enabled" clean energy transition that will touch every sector of the economy."
- Amy Cortese
"The discussions at the aptly named Deploy23 conference—hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)—offered a good glimpse into the heart of the energy and climate challenge today. We’ve come a long way in understanding the science and technology needed to decarbonize. And, while there’s always room for more innovation, today much of the success of the climate fight hinges on building projects using existing technology. To do that requires getting the business models right and winning over support from the right stakeholders.
Those were the kinds of conversations taking place at Deploy23 as DOE officials walked companies through how to apply for federal funding, while executives shared best practices on community engagement, and union leaders talked about how to build a quality workforce. "The goal is accelerated commercial-scale deployment of critical clean technologies,” Jigar Shah, conference host and director of the DOE’s Loan Programs Office, told attendees at the outset. “And the way that this happens in America is industry and investors make stunning leaps and bets on the future."
— Justin Worland
Deploy23 Speakers Reach Liftoff, and Spark Inspiration
September 29, 2023
Washington, DC (September 29, 2023) – The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) "Pathways To Commercial Liftoff" reports established a crucial, evidence-based starting point for many of the presentations, workshops, and discussions that took place earlier this week at #Deploy23. Punctuating Deploy23 plenaries were presentations from our Liftoff Talks speakers: Lucia Tian (Clean Hydrogen), Katheryn Scott (Industrial Decarbonization), and Jen Downing (Virtual Power Plants), with a "Countdown to Liftoff" plenary presentation from Jonah Wagner. These presentations helped bring the Pathways To Commercial Liftoff reports to life.
As a reminder, you can download all the Liftoff reports—including Clean Hydrogen, Industrial Decarbonization (Overview, Decarbonizing Chemicals & Refining, and Low-Carbon Cement), and Virtual Power Plants (VPPs)—and learn more about the Pathways To Commercial Liftoff initiative (facilitated by the DOE Office of Technology Transitions) at: Liftoff.Energy.gov
Explore some of the ideas that sparked inspiration throughout the Deploy23 conference.
Deploy23 Day 2 Recap
September 28, 2023
Washington, DC (September 28, 2023) – From the plenary stage to the Deploy Dialogue conference table, we heard what it will take to deploy a range of clean energy technologies at scale, and what makes our private and public partnership so valuable.
Mitch Landrieu, Coordinator for the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, White House
Mitch Landrieu, Coordinator for the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act at the White House, encouraged attendees to think about deployment in terms of mobilizing local stakeholder and worker involvement in clean energy investments.
“As complicated as your life is about how we’re going to build clean energy, the very simple thing is how you’re going to get a person, in a place, to do work in that place in that specific area,” Landrieu said. “That’s kind of a simple idea, but it’s very, very hard to do.”
Anne Slaughter Andrew, Chairman, Cleantech Leaders Climate Forum
Kelly Cummins, Acting Director for DOE’s Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED), spoke about the mission of the office’s direct air capture hubs, and local engagement with stakeholders in these communities, about shaping the deployment pathway of these projects. She also touched on a recently announced funding opportunity on distributed energy systems, which when scaled can more effectively deliver and use clean, reliable power for more communities, reducing electric losses along transmission and distribution lines, and increasing grid resiliency.
Kelly Cummins, Acting Director, Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations, DOE
Jennifer Downing, Senior Advisor (Contractor), Loan Programs Office, DOE during plenary remarks, “Liftoff: Virtual Power Plants”
David Klanecky, President & CEO, Cirba Solutions, Robinson Meyer, Founding Executive Editor, Heatmap News, and Giulia Siccardo, Director of Energy and Manufacturing Supply Chains, DOE
Neva McGruder Burke, Human Resources Director, BlueOvalSK, Ajay Kochhar, President and CEO, Li-Cycle, and Amy Peterson, Senior Advisor, Industry Relations, Loan Programs Office, DOE
Attendees walked away from Circuits with insight into how to access Inflation Reduction Act, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and CHIPS funding opportunities; heard from subject matter experts on advanced nuclear and long duration energy storage technology pathways; and more.
Industry experts in industrial decarbonization, carbon dioxide removal, and more shared from their experience in Deploy Dialogues how to tackle real-world industry barriers, maximize opportunities, and deploy in these critical sectors. In debriefing on the week’s Dialogues, Ross Brindle, CEO of Nexight Group, remarked on the urgency in participants’ comments across the sessions, and encouraged all attendees to think about what they individually could do tomorrow to make an impact on the clean energy transformation.
Susan Kish, Senior Consultant, Loan Programs Office, DOE, and Ross Brindle, CEO, Nexight Group
Deploy23 closed with an exclamation point: environmentalist Bill McKibben dropped in to send off attendees with a hopeful message of how the private and public sectors can work together to address the threat of climate change by partnering to deploy clean energy technologies.
Thank you for making this week inspiring and impactful. We look forward to sharing recordings of the Deploy23 plenary sessions as well as details about next year’s event soon. We look forward to seeing you at Deploy24!
Deploy23 Day 1 Wraps, What’s on Deck for Day 2
September 26, 2023
Washington, DC (September 26, 2023) – The jam-packed program from Day 1 of Demonstrate Deploy Decarbonize 2023 has drawn to a close -- and what a day it was. From the inspiring plenary speakers, to the critical feedback you provided in the first Deploy Dialogues, Deploy23 is already moving the conversation on clean energy deployment forward.
What better way to kick off than with Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm’s challenge to attendees -- for the private sector and public sector to roll up our sleeves and to together tackle the challenges in the clean energy transformation. The Secretary reminded attendees of America’s “not so secret weapon”: “a government that doesn’t think that it alone has all the answers, and a business community that prides itself on problem-solving.”
Attendees were also greeted with keynote remarks from David Crane, DOE’s Under Secretary for Infrastructure, and John Podesta, Senior Advisor to the president for Clean Energy Innovation and Implementation.
Ric Fulop, Co-Founder, Chairman and CEO of Desktop Metal, JB Straubel, CEO of Redwood Materials, and LPO Director Jigar Shah
We also heard from subject matter experts from the Office of Technology Transitions (OTT) on why the hydrogen and industrial decarbonization Pathways to Commercial Liftoff reports are an important tool for capital allocators in deploying these technologies at scale, and from Chief Commercialization Officer and OTT Director Dr. Vanessa Chan.
Lucia Tian, Department of Energy Senior Advisor to Chief Commercialization Officer, Office of Technology Transitions
Off the plenary stage, we felt the buzz of the four Deploy Dialogues on industrial decarbonization, grid modernization, and virtual power plants. In the Circuits, attendees learned about ways to engage communities on relevant projects, engage philanthropies to facilitate deployment, create durable demand for clean energy, bolster the American supply chain, and leveraging key tax credits from the Inflation Reduction Act, among other topics.
We closed out with a surprise address from actor and activist, Mark Ruffalo, who encouraged attendees to mark Deploy23 as a “turning point” in the clean energy transformation.
What’s on Deck for Day 2
Highlights of the Day:
- A Fireside Chat with Mitch Landrieu, the White House’s Coordinator for the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, on what it takes to do big things at pace
- Perspectives from Kelly Cummins, Acting Director for DOE’s Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations, on OCED’s role in achieving liftoff and the office’s strategic initiatives
- Remarks from Ben Jealous, Executive Director of the Sierra Club, on how the environmental community can partners with the private sector to deploy
- Four new high intensity Deploy Dialogue workshops, seven educational Circuit seminars, a virtual power plant Liftoff talk from DOE subject matter experts, three unique Fireside Chats
- A debrief from the eight Deploy Dialogues across both days
- Special guests, networking, side meetings, and more
Demonstrate Deploy Decarbonize 2023 Kicks Off
September 26, 2023
Washington, DC (September 26, 2023) – Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm kicked off the inaugural Demonstrate Deploy Decarbonize 2023 (Deploy23) conference at the Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center on September 26 and 27 in Washington, DC.
Deploy23 is set to convene nearly 600 senior leaders in industry and across sectors to build momentum towards demonstrating new clean energy and decarbonization technologies, deploying them at scale, and decarbonizing the U.S. economy.
“This week, my hope is that you’re going to lean into these candid conversations, that you’ll share creative ideas, and that you’ll build relationships that grow into opportunities,” said Secretary of Energy Granholm, in recorded remarks. “Together, I know we can shape an industrial strategy that prizes the spirit of American individualism, and harnesses the resources of a government that is ready to bet big, and bet smart, on the best ideas.”
Other speakers include John Podesta, Senior Advisor to the President for Clean Energy Innovation and Implementation, Mitch Landrieu, Coordinator for the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, senior Department of Energy (DOE) officials, and CEOs and thought leaders in critical clean energy sectors.
Across the two-day, in-person events, attendees will explore a series of high intensity Deploy Dialogue workshops, and educational Circuit seminars. Deploy23’s four plenaries feature engaging speakers and fireside chats, and compact talks from DOE subject matter experts on the recently released Pathways to Commercial Liftoff reports.
Deploy23 will bring together senior leaders in industry and across sectors to build momentum towards demonstrating new clean energy and decarbonization technologies, deploying them at scale, and decarbonizing the U.S. economy.
The event is co-hosted by Cleantech Leaders Climate Forum (CTL), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit focused on convening and elevating thought leaders and educating stakeholders on technology, policy, and capital market solutions to address change mitigation and adaptation across the globe, as well as the DOE’s Office of the Under Secretary for Infrastructure and DOE’s Loan Programs Office (LPO).
Visit the event website for an up-to-date conference schedule and speakers.
Supporters for the event can be found here.
About Cleantech Leaders Climate Forum
Cleantech Leaders Climate Forum is the sister to Cleantech Leaders Roundtable, the nation’s most prominent and influential private community of cleantech and climatetech leaders. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, Cleantech Leaders Climate Forum’s mission is to develop programming that convenes and elevates thought leaders and stakeholders and educates the general public on the importance and urgency of advancing climate change mitigation and adaptation technologies, policies, and capital markets across the globe.
Michelle Jednachowski, Events Program Manager, Cleantech Leaders Climate Forum
(715) 891-6796, mj@cleantechleaders.com
Director Shah LinkedIn Live Recording Now Available
September 21, 2023
Washington, DC (September 21, 2023) – Jigar Shah, Director, U.S. DOE Loan Programs Office, and Cody Finke, CEO, Brimstone, discuss the potential of the inaugural Deploy23 conference.
Deploy23 Attendees Share their Thoughts on the Value of the Inaugural Gathering
September 21, 2023
Washington, DC (September 21, 2023) - Deploy23 attendees share their perspectives on the value of the conference and how public and private partnerships are essential for clean energy deployment.
What drew you to Deploy23?
Deploy23 provides the opportunity for leaders across sectors to coordinate and drive the transition.
What is the biggest barrier the private sector and public sector can address together to deploy clean energy technologies at scale?
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has created a step change in the ability of participants to implement projects. Many in the private sector will need assistance with navigating the policy shifts and their ability to gain access to the funding to benefit their business and facilitate change to create the projects of the future.
What role can organizations like yours plan in deploying clean energy technology at scale?
Recently passed legislation related to the energy transition, including The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), has created a momentum that we are seeing first-hand with clients. Ramboll is uniquely positioned to help them navigate this new landscape, having worked across the supply chain in every major industrial sector. We have a reputation for solving complex climate challenges, creating value for both our clients and the communities in which they operate.
What drew you to Deploy23?
To achieve net zero, capital across the energy transition needs to be deployed quickly and deliver high returns. Growing complexity has driven a critical need for accurate and actionable insights to make efficient capital allocations at scale. The Deploy23 conference is bringing together the leaders and decision makers who can ensure accurate data is driving decisions for continued expansion of the energy transition.
What is the biggest barrier the private sector and public sector can address together to deploy clean energy technologies at scale?
As America decarbonizes its energy stack, billions in capital need to be deployed. Without accurate data and predictive analytics, developers and investors will struggle to deploy capital efficiently and maximize returns. Effective data and robust analytics play a pivotal role in expediting the development of energy transition project infrastructure and technologies. Cutting-edge software and advanced data processing capabilities are key to empowering smarter capital allocation decisions across the energy transition.
What role can organizations like yours plan in deploying clean energy technology at scale?
Orennia is accelerating the energy transition by empowering our clients with the best, all-in-one platform to allocate capital. We help them do it faster, while minimizing risk and driving higher returns. With accurate and actionable data, analytics and insights, Orennia’s platform helps our clients leverage technology to make confident investment decisions. Our clients rely on differentiated data and advanced analytics across the solar, wind, storage, power, RNG, CCUS, clean fuels and hydrogen sectors to out-compete their peers, advance the energy transition and mitigate the effects of climate change.
What drew you to Deploy23?
The strong network of people and organizations leading the energy transition. The conversation at this table is always with a focus on the solutions that are available now.
What is the biggest barrier the private sector and public sector can address together to deploy clean energy technologies at scale?
When the government provides long term signals and incentives for action, the private markets can (and do) respond. The IRA is a great example of this. We need to keep an open dialogue to stay in alignment so that we can make the most of our respective abilities to act. A regulated price on carbon would be the simplest long-term signal.
What role can organizations like yours plan in deploying clean energy technology at scale?
Everyday Galway Sustainable Capital is investing in and supporting businesses that are driving the scale up of commercially ready technologies that improve the environment. When a business plan makes environmental sense and economic sense, we can help bring that plan to life.
What drew you to Deploy23?
Deploy 2023 focuses on key areas of the expanding Clean Energy market, including deploying technology at scale and holistic decarbonizing – key areas for us as a battery recycling leader – while also bringing together government agencies and private industry collaborators.
What is the biggest barrier the private sector and public sector can address together to deploy clean energy technologies at scale?
To deploy clean energy technologies at scale, we need to focus on the benefits to the economy as a whole. By working with private and public sector teams to prioritize domestic content use over foreign sources, we can build a domestic, sustainable supply chain that is stronger together.
What role can organizations like yours plan in deploying clean energy technology at scale?
Cirba Solutions plays a critical role in deploying clean energy in U.S. By leveraging 30+ years of battery recycling processing experience and expanding that to allow for domestic raw critical minerals that do not exist at commercial scale today, we are building a key part of the circular battery supply.
What drew you to Deploy23?
What initially drew me to the Deploy23 conference was its remarkable focus on addressing the critical challenges in the deployment of clean technology investments across key sectors. The fact that decision makers, capital allocators, community leaders, and various stakeholders from across the clean energy supply chain are coming together for this event is truly compelling. This represents a unique opportunity to engage in facilitated dialogues focused on the opportunities and challenges associated with scaling solutions addressing climate change.
What is the biggest barrier the private sector and public sector can address together to deploy clean energy technologies at scale?
The biggest barrier that both the private sector and public sector can collaboratively address to deploy clean energy technologies at scale is undoubtedly the issue of investment and financing. Clean energy technologies often require significant upfront capital investment, and the private sector is essential in providing the necessary funding. However, private investors often face uncertainty and risk associated with emerging clean energy technologies, which can make them hesitant to invest. This is where the public sector can play a crucial role. Additionally, public-private partnerships can facilitate research and development efforts, making clean energy technologies more cost-effective and reliable. Collaborative research and development initiatives can lead to innovations that reduce the overall cost of clean energy technologies, making them more accessible and attractive to both investors and consumers.What role can organizations like yours play in deploying clean energy technology at scale?
Relyion Energy Inc. repurposes retired Lithium-ion batteries for second life stationary battery energy storage systems. It can play a significant role in deploying clean energy technology at scale in several ways by making clean energy more accessible and reliable.
What drew you to Deploy23?
Decarbonizing our way of life is the most important challenge facing humanity. Fully deploying today’s clean technology and enabling tomorrow’s innovations will take our best minds working together. As John F. Kennedy said in announcing the moon shot, we take on these challenges “not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win.”
What is the biggest barrier the private sector and public sector can address together to deploy clean energy technologies at scale?
Long-term transparency and clarity in regards to regulations and incentives are needed to allow greater certainty for private investors. Through events like Deploy, we can ensure that everyone is on the same page, so policymakers hear us loud and clear.
What role can organizations like yours plan in deploying clean energy technology at scale?
As a pure-play green hydrogen developer, Ambient Fuels is poised to rapidly scale green hydrogen technology in tough-to-decarbonize sectors like chemicals, ammonia fertilizer, industrial heat, and fuels for long-range transportation.
What drew you to Deploy23?
To participate in the first annual gathering of senior leaders to build momentum towards demonstrating new clean energy and decarbonization technologies, and deploying them at scale is very exciting.
What is the biggest barrier the private sector and public sector can address together to deploy clean energy technologies at scale?
Humanity has time and again shown its innate ability to imagine and innovate for a future that improves the lives of everyone. With global warming we are once again at a juncture in human history bristling with opportunity. New and step-changed solutions are not only required, but also possible to not only protect our quality of life on this planet, but to also improve upon on what already is.
What role can organizations like yours play in deploying clean energy technology at scale?
When done right, public-private partnerships as championed by the DOE are critical in not only successfully launching these great opportunities in industrial history but also in driving to practical implementation at scale in the near term while making good business sense.
Director Shah LinkedIn Live on Wednesday
September 19, 2023
Washington, DC (September 19, 2023) - Please join Jigar Shah, Director, U.S. DOE Loan Programs Office, and Cody Finke, CEO, Brimstone, for a LinkedIn Live discussion on “Why We Need Deploy23: A conversation with Jigar Shah & Cody Finke,” happening this Wednesday September 20 at 2:30-3:00 pm ET. Tune in on Weds. at 2:30m ET here.
Follow Deploy23 on LinkedIn and www.deploy23.org for the latest agenda updates and news.
John Podesta Confirmed for Deploy23
September 19, 2023
Washington, DC (September 19, 2023) – John Podesta, Senior Advisor to President Biden for Clean Energy Innovation and Implementation (OCEII) at the White House is confirmed to speak at Deploy23.
Deploy23 to Convene Leaders in Clean Energy Deployment for Inaugural Gathering
September 6, 2023
Washington, DC (September 6, 2023) – The first annual gathering of over 500 thought leaders across the clean energy supply chain to discuss opportunities and challenges to capital allocation and deploying first-of-a-kind infrastructure projects at scale, Demonstrate Deploy Decarbonize 2023 (Deploy23) will be hosted at the 2023 at the Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center on September 26 and 27 in Washington, DC.
The two-day, in-person event will convene decision-makers and visionaries from the government and private sectors at a time when we are seeing increased momentum in achieving commercial liftoff and look to position the U.S. to reach the goal of a net-zero economy by 2050. Over the course of the event, conversations will be centered on uncovering new pathways and deepening strategies for advancing investment opportunities in the emerging $23 trillion market in clean energy technology and large-scale infrastructure projects.
Deploy23 will bring together senior leaders in industry and across sectors to build momentum towards demonstrating new clean energy and decarbonization technologies, deploying them at scale, and decarbonizing the U.S. economy. The event continues the momentum started by the Clean Energy Business Forum as part of the Global Clean Energy Action Forum (GCEAF).
The event is co-hosted by Cleantech Leaders Climate Forum (CTL), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit focused on convening and elevating thought leaders and educating stakeholders on technology, policy, and capital market solutions to address change mitigation and adaptation across the globe, as well as the U.S. Department of Energy Office’s (DOE) Office of the Under Secretary for Infrastructure and DOE’s Loan Programs Office (LPO).
“Cleantech Leaders Climate Forum is proud to bring together its catalytic private sector community of CXOs and industry pioneers to host this first-ever convening on deployment with the US DOE. Given the magnitude of the climate crisis and the difficulty that is inherent with getting novel clean energy projects deployed at scale, the importance of a strong private-sector-led, government-enabled innovation and collaboration framework cannot be overstated. Deploy23 is wholly unique in its approach to engaging key stakeholders and galvanizing real solutions that work for Americans. On behalf of our community, we look forward to continuing to create bridges with government agencies and expanding our community of trailblazing entrepreneurs,” said Andrea Luecke, Executive Director of Cleantech Leaders Climate Forum.
Attendees will hear from Department of Energy and administration leadership and industry leaders on how we can seize this moment, enabled by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act, to discuss opportunities and challenges to capital allocation. In addition to key speakers, Plenaries are also punctuated by Liftoff talks. This is the first time subject matter experts will step on one stage to talk about the insights behind three key “Pathways to Commercial Liftoff” reports, quarterbacked by DOE’s Office of Technology Transitions.
Deploy23 programming will center on the Deploy Dialogues – facilitated workshops designed to surface solutions to challenges in deployment of clean technology investments across key sectors. The main workshop focus areas for Deploy23 will be:
- Industrial Decarbonization:
- Carbon Capture and Sequestration
- Industrial Heat
- Chemicals and Refining
- Procurement and Buy-side Mobilization
- Grid Modernization
- Virtual Power Plants
- Carbon Dioxide Removal
Speakers (partial list)
Deploy23 speakers will include:
- Mitch Landrieu, Senior Advisor to the President and Coordinator for the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, White House
- David Crane, Under Secretary for Infrastructure, Department of Energy
- Jigar Shah, Director, Loan Programs Office, Department of Energy
- Gabe Klein, Executive Director, Joint Office of Energy and Transportation, Department of Energy
- Betony Jones, Department of Energy, Director of Energy Jobs
- Kelly Cummins, Acting Director for the Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations, Department of Energy
- Dr. Vanessa Chan, Chief Commercialization Officer and Director of the Office of Technology Transitions, Department of Energy
- Giulia Siccardo, Director of Energy and Manufacturing Supply Chains Department of Energy
- Alejandro Moreno, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Renewable Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Department of Energy
- Anne Slaughter Andrew, Chairman, Cleantech Leaders Climate Forum
- Andrea Luecke, Executive Director, Cleantech Leaders Climate Forum
- JB Straubel, CEO, Redwood Materials
- Ric Fulop, Co-Founder, Chairman and CEO Desktop Metal
- Austin Keyser, Assistant to the International President for Government Affairs, IBEW
- Neva McGruder Burke, Senior Director Human Resources/HR Leader, BlueOvalSK
Visit the event website for an up-to-date conference schedule and speakers.
Supporters for the event can be found here.
This event is invite-only. In order to purchase or apply for tickets, please visit Deploy23.org/Registration.
About Cleantech Leaders Climate Forum
Cleantech Leaders Climate Forum is the sister to Cleantech Leaders Roundtable, the nation’s most prominent and influential private community of cleantech and climatetech leaders. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, Cleantech Leaders Climate Forum’s mission is to develop programming that convenes and elevates thought leaders and stakeholders and educates the general public on the importance and urgency of advancing climate change mitigation and adaptation technologies, policies, and capital markets across the globe.
Michelle Jednachowski, Events Program Manager, Cleantech Leaders Climate Forum(715) 891-6796, mj@cleantechleaders.com
DOE Flickr Album: Demonstrate Deploy Decarbonize 2023